Friday, November 11, 2011

How do you expect a man to stay faithful in a room full of whores?

Hello ladies. Sassy Shan here talking about relationships in the modern day.  This day in age it is really hard to find a a faithful man or to have a relationship without cheating.  As a woman I know that for many of us, the one thing we can't stand is a cheating man.  But how is it that we expect our men to be faithful when we got women out here willing to spread for any man that passes their way.  I mean you pay them a nice compliment and the next thing you know they in your bed; making it too damn easy.  So ladies how is it that we can expect our men to be faithful when we have women who are willing to lay down with any takers.  Now I ain't hatin on the hoes, I'm just saying.  Nor am I here to promote polygamy or giving men a pass to cheat; this post is aimed at the first time cheater. I am simply saying if your man cheats, before you pack your shit and leave, take a good look at your man.  Do he have a job?  Do he make good money?  Is he a good father?  Do he genuinely show you love and affection?

If the answer to these questions are yes, then unpack your bags because if your man got it going on like that then you know them hoes gone be throwing it at him. And if you leave, this bitch stands to gain everything you left behind. Now do whatever you need to do to make him understand that what he did wasn't cool (even if that means leaving for a day or two) but don't let a jump-off dictate your future.  Remember we are all sexual beings and sometimes things happen.  All I'm saying is realize what you got, before you give it to someone else.